* Can't Miss: AMC and Y&R alum Cady McClain shares beautiful message with fans | The Young and the Restless on Soap Central

Can't Miss: AMC and Y&R alum Cady McClain shares beautiful message with fans

Posted Friday, August 05, 2016 2:05:53 PM
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Can't Miss: AMC and Y&R alum Cady McClain shares beautiful message with fans

In the midst of a storm of passionate political posts by soap stars, Cady McClain (ex-Dixie Cooney, All My Children; ex-Kelly Andrews, The Young and the Restless) has shared a touching letter to fans – both Trump and Clinton supporters, plus everyone in between.

The entire nation is getting heated over the current presidential race that will likely see Republican candidate Donald Trump and Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton go head-to-head this November. Several soap stars have come forward with passionate political posts on social media, some of which have landed in mainstream media. The fan response to the various political opinions and coverage of such posts has been mixed, both on Soap Central and elsewhere, leading to a bevy of comments on message boards and other soap opera forums.

Perhaps sensing some of the tension, Cady McClain (ex-Dixie Cooney, All My Children; ex-Kelly Andrews, The Young and the Restless) has taken to social media herself with a heartwarming message to fans about the power of kindness and love.

"Just want to say this again, in a different way: no matter what your race, color, or creed... No matter your sexual preference, your income bracket, or your level of education... No matter who you think should be president.... I care about you. I care about your well-being, your happiness, your health," she begins. "I wish for you peace in your mind and heart. I hope for your joy, your comfort, your enlightenment. It doesn't matter if we disagree on anything, I want you to go home and laugh, hug someone or something, and feel that the world is a good place to be. And anything I can do to help this world be more like that for more people, I feel is a worthy cause."

She continues: "If we disagreed online but I saw you in the street having fallen, I'd run to pick you up. Because you're a person first. A valuable human being. Because this strange, flat, ‘2nd dimension' form of communication rarely can convey our humanity, our heart, or our intention. So again, I ask you to pledge to mind your words, not treat this medium as a place to punch and kick and point and blame and scream, but to recall again and again: there are real, live, human beings on the other end of these flat words. Human beings who have to take the kids to school, make coffee for their sick parent, or get to work at an ungodly hour. Your words can lift them up or upset them. Why would you want to upset them? They need to see some love online, as do I, as do you, I imagine. I believe we all can make that happen, together. We can lift each other up again and again, and from there make amazing things happen!"

To read McClain's message in its entirety, check out the actress' Twitter page or her Facebook page

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