* Fruit forward (GH Two Scoops Commentary for June 26, 2006) | Soap Central

Fruit forward

For the Week of June 26, 2006
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Sonny probably wished he hadn't broken that bottle, as he could have used it to toast the memory of our poor departed Justus Ward.

Are you familiar with a company called Fruit Forward? It's a magnificent Wine of the Month club. Sonny should enroll immediately, as they ship their wines from lands far off, with nary a broken bottle. Thus, you can assume those bottles would be strong enough to whack your girlfriends' ex husband in the head and do him severe permanent damage. (Not to mention the Absolute Fabulousness of the actual wine.) Sonny doesn't pack heat anymore; his weapons of choice these days are straight from the vineyard. He seems to be packing a bottle of Chardonnay or Zinfandel every place he goes. As soon as I saw Nikolas walk into the Haunted Star, I knew Sonny would see him with Emily and have a conniption. Very predictable, but I certainly didn't foresee the fact that a tray of wine bottles would pass by Sonny's hand at that exact instant so he could yet again attempt to give Nikolas head trauma with a blunt object filled with wine.

Sonny probably wished he hadn't broken that bottle, as he could have used it to toast the memory of our poor departed Justus Ward. He heard the news from an incensed Edward Quartermaine, who blamed Sonny for Justus' demise. I again say 'Thank You' right out loud to the Powers That Be for bringing back the fabulous John Ingle into the role he was meant to play. When David Lewis retired in 1993, I couldn't imagine anyone replacing him, and then, there was John Ingle and he was...perfect. I am so delighted he is back and seeing him tear into Sonny over Justus' loss this week should give those of you who are unfamiliar with his work a taste of why he is so valuable to the cast of GH.

As to the death of Justus Ward; what a disturbing waste of a character, and what a shame to lose the history of the entire Ward family... Justus Ward came to GH originally in the engaging presence of Joseph C. Phillips. Justus was a decent, strong and principled politician, the Barack Obama of the Soap World. I used to listen to him wax poetic about...anything, and wished he was real and was running for something in my town. I daydreamed of actually being able to vote for someone like Justus Ward. Imagine being able to choose someone you believed in rather than playing eenie meenie miney moe with the two inferior choicest we normally end up with! Justus Ward was a powerhouse, a man with depth, and morals and a soul. I loved his character. Then, he had a fall and went slinking off to a monastery to do penance for his sins.

When I initially heard the character was coming back to GH, I was very happy, but I soon realized they weren't going to do anything with him, and I was disappointed. The writers watered him down into a puddle where there once was an ocean. Mfundo Morrison never had the chance to play Justus's passion and spirit because the writers stripped the character of his soul.

His death was pointless and senseless - Justus and Lainey were just beginning to really connect (even though Justus's family kept offering her condolences as if she was his wife.) So, now we are down to 3 black people. With Dr. Meadows retiring, and Justus dead, we are left with Epiphany, Stan, and Lainey. Guess that means they will make Stan and Lainey date now. Or maybe they will go really crazy and turn Epiphany and Lainey into ethnic lesbians. Stan used to be in the background, but with the addition of the fabulous Epiphany Johnson, they are fleshing out his character and their storyline a bit. The storyline will ring true to many parents, as we all worry when our kids waste their potential. Of course most of us don't have to worry about our kids using their computer skills for the mob, but we can relate to her general angst, just the same.

All the girls were so sad about Justus' death, that they decided to giggle the night away doing shots of tequila at Jake's. Again. Okay, it was cute the first time, and a little cute the 2nd time, but I'm over it now. Question - why do Bobbie and Epiphany never get invited out? Points for Dr. Lee for hanging up on Sonny when he called Emily's cell phone. You'd have to be really drunk on tequila to hang up on someone as connected as Sonny. And there ARE a lot of wine bottles at Jake's, he could have easily come in and clubbed her with one screaming "Don't you EVER hang up on me again when I am trying to call Lily... I mean Emily."

Sonny is over the edge, and a great part of that is because Ric has been pushing him there. Some of you have written me to give me the "The end justifies the means." speech about Ric, claiming he's just trying to push Sonny over the edge to force him to get help. Really folks, are you serious? You actually believe that what Ric is doing is okay? He's purposely trying to make his brother lose his mind. That's not a good thing. He's not a hero. He is a dark hearted sick b*stard who is taking advantage of his brothers condition for his own twisted and manipulative reasons. Even if Ric is intending to help Sonny, even if he wants to be the one to rescue Sonny once he falls apart, the fact remains that he is purposely trying to drive Sonny insane. If you think there is some justification for that, I pity your siblings and pray none of them are ever in your care. I am just waiting for the ever loyal Max to take one of Sonny's wine bottles and clock Ric in the head with it.

Maxie may knock Elizabeth in the head with a bottle of hydrocodone, as she was jealous when she saw Lucky and Liz dancing at Kelly's. Lucky was only able to dance due to the fist full of pills he popped after confiscating them from Maxie's drug dealer friend. They really need to bring Felicia home. Maxie is trying to seduce a drug addicted married man who is at least a decade older than she is, and Georgie is smitten with the criminal element Diego, thinking he's just "misunderstood." Those girls clearly need a Mom to tell them about themselves.

Justus' body was found in the trunk of Diego's car, courtesy of tattooed freak Manny, who is apparently contemplating giving himself or someone else some new tattoos as he fiddled with a tattoo needle this week. Maybe after he hangs up some more of Sam's clothes, he is going to tattoo "Sam's Maid" on his hands.

Patrick psychoanalyzed Robin and told her what was wrong with her, although he didn't go far enough. There are many more things wrong with her than he mentioned. I especially enjoyed it when he told her she was just like Carly! Score one for Dr. Dreamboat! Robin asked Patrick why he would want to be with her if she's such a horrible person, and I must admit, I ask myself that question every time they are together. Why WOULD he want to be with her? Every time they go on a date, she either glares at Carly or bitches about Carly - what man would find her company appealing? I enjoyed the character of Robin the week they were all in the Maarkham Islands and she was with Robert and Anna and dealing with her past. But the way the writers write Robin on a day to day basis? She's awful - angry and bitter -a cruel judgmental creep. She has no compassion or sympathy for anyone, she never tries to see anyone else's P.O.V. - her mind is closed tight as a drum. The amazing thing is, you'd think after dealing with being HIV positive for all these years, she would know what it's like to be judged by other people unfairly, and you'd think she'd want to be better than that herself, but, obviously not. Patrick - run! Save yourself! I bet Lainey could use a shoulder to cry on right about now, and she's actually NICE.

What will happen next, dear readers? Will Sam go to Victoria's Secret to find new lingerie to model for Ric now that she has moved back in? Will Luke bring baby John a rattle with a real rattlesnake attached? Will Skye drop by Jason's to find out if Lorenzo is going to throw her a baby shower? Will Emily sober up enough to attend if he does throw her one? Will Jax return from visiting his Mom saying "Crikey!" Will Carly sleep with Dr. Dreamboat just to annoy Robin? Will How many more glasses of fake brandy will Sonny have to drink? Will Ric tattle to Sonny if Max refuses to go and change Molly's diapers? Has Coleman totally forgotten Jason's "NO UNDER AGE GIRLS IN YOUR CLUB" rule when Lulu stops in to shoot pool?

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